
Day 4 questions and feedback

Questions about previous days

Reproducible research

Managing dependencies

Exercise session: creating and exporting conda environments

Discussion for breakout rooms:

At the end of this session, you should have spent a few minutes discussing the first two questions (write down some ideas above), and then done most of the conda environment exercise. Session ends at xx:05 (update: 5 more min) (both discussion and exercise).

Other questions/comments during exercise session:

Recording environments


Workflow management.


Exercise, Snakemake


Sharing code and data


Social coding

Group work

Reasons for sharing code/data

Room 3:

Room 5:

Room 6:

Room 8:

Room 10:

Room 14

Room 16:

Room 18:

Room 22:

Room 4:

Reasons for not sharing

Room 3:

Room 5:

Room 4:

Room 8:

Room 10:

Room 14

Room 22:

Room 7:

Room 16:

Room 13 and 19:

Why is software treated differently from papers?

Room 22:

Social coding continued


As usual, one good thing and one thing to improve

What will you change in your project based on what you learned today?