
2020 November, Focus CoE instructor training days 3

tags: workshop

Outline and slides: https://psteinb.github.io/hpccarpentry-mini-intro/

Break until 02:00pm

Devising Material Overview

Break until 02:55pm

Learning Objectives 1

(Exercise for all, groups of 2, 10 minutes plus 10 to compare)

Formulating Learning Objectives can be hard. We introduced Bloom’s Taxonomy in the presentation. This exercise is for you to exercise this.

Before you start this exercise, give yourself a rating (5 stars = you will complete this exercise with ease, 1 star = you will struggle with this exercise and likely not complete it). Write this rating down here (with writing this down, you signal us that you want to participate):

Join up in pairs and formulate one sentence for each of the taxonomy categories (typical verbs to use are listed in brackets at the end of each bullet).

Bloom’s Taxonomy

As an example, choose one of the following topics:

At the end of this exercise, each pair should have at least 6 sentences available - one for each of the categories above.

Room3 Q1: « Is the student able to recognize the various ssh related commands? » [Remember] Q2: « Can the student explain what does the ssh acronym stand for?» [Understand] Q3: « Can the student use the prior knowledge on ssh commands to access Archer facilities?» [Apply] Q4: « Is the student able to break down the following command ssh -X -l username login.hpc.xxx.xx.uk ?» [Analyze] Q5: « Choose which of the following sentence is correct: a. ssh username@login.hpc.xxx.xx.uk b. ssh login.hpc.xxxx.xx.uk@username [evaluating] Q6: « can the student modify the following ssh command to be able to log-in directly into the directory /home/dir1?: ssh username@login.hpc.xxx.xx.uk» [creating]

Lesson development within focusCOE

slides by Alan O’Cais: https://psteinb.github.io/hpccarpentry-mini-intro/slides-focuscoe.html#/title-slide

Break until 04:05pm

Breakout session

Room 1 01-why-bother-with-performance




What is missing:

description of walltime and CPU Hours are confusing, it may make sense to get rid of CPU Hours ?

Room 2


Lesson Portability

slidedeck: https://psteinb.github.io/hpccarpentry-mini-intro/slides-portability.html#/title-slide


designing a parallel coding lesson

after this course, do you require more or less time to prepare

(Mostly require more)

general feedback: what we need to improve? something that you didn’t understand?

general feedback: what you liked? something that you did understand?

always ask questions right above this line