CodeRefinery workshop September 19-21 and 26-28, 2023


  • 2023-09-27 (day 5):
    • The last day (day 6) covers testing and modular code development. These really pull everything together.
    • The Conda environment is important for the testing lesson. Modular code development lesson is mostly watching and discussing, so you can relax.
    • It's a good time to invite your friends for the grand finale.
    • Our credit/certificate instructions have been updated: You can get 1 ECTS Credit OR certificate depending on your situation. Deadline to submit your homework: 01/12/2023
  • This playlist is updated with videos the save evening as each course.
  • Q&A is always updated on the questions page each afternoon.


There is no deadline and you are welcome to register and join even after the event started. You can attend just those days or sessions you want but please register anyway.

Should all in a team sign up? Or only one person? We recommend that all register so that they get all necessary information.

If you want to join as organization to provide local helpers or in-person sessions, please do! This usually takes the form of a "watching party" with coordinated breaks for exercises.

Some organizations offer their own registration form. In this case please register with them and then you do not have to register here centrally as well. We will then make sure that everybody gets all necessary information.


All times are displayed in the local timezone of your browser. Detected timezone offset compared to UTC:

Breaks: 10 minutes every hour, between xx:50 and xx:10, but it is difficult for us to indicate exactly when.

Installation help and on-boarding
, - On-boarding for team leaders leading groups over video
, - On-boarding for team leaders leading in-person teams
, - Installation help for everybody
Installation help and on-boarding (you don't need to attend both days, choose the day that is better for you)
, - On-boarding for team leaders leading groups over video
, - On-boarding for team leaders leading in-person teams
, - Installation help for everybody
Day 1
, - Welcome and introduction
Presenters: Richard
, - Introduction to version control with Git - part 1/4
Why we want to track versions and how to go back in time to a working version
Presenters: Radovan and Richard
, - Introduction to version control with Git - part 2/4
Presenters: Radovan and Richard
Day 2
, - Introduction to version control with Git - part 3/4
Presenters: Radovan and Richard
, - Introduction to version control with Git - part 4/4
Presenters: Radovan and Richard
Day 3
, - Collaborative distributed version control - part 1/2
Presenters: Dhanya and Johan
, - Collaborative distributed version control - part 2/2
Presenters: Dhanya and Johan
Day 4
, - Reproducible research
Preparing code to be usable by you and others in the future
Presenters: Samantha and Enrico
, - Social coding and open software
What can you do to get credit for your code and to allow reuse
Presenters: Radovan and Jarno
Day 5
, - How to document your research software
Presenters: Samantha and Radovan
, - Jupyter notebooks
A tool to write and share executable notebooks and data visualization
Presenters: Matias and Radovan
Day 6
, - Automated testing
Preventing yourself and others from breaking your functioning code
Presenters: Radovan and Thomas
, - Modular code development
Making reusing parts of your code easier
Presenters: Radovan and Jarno
, - Concluding remarks, general Q&A, and where to go from here
Presenters: Richard
Optional: Bring your own code session
, - Bring your own code and discuss and ask
Optional: Bring your own code session
, - Bring your own code and discuss and ask

Be a team leader

Do you know some of the topics, but want to review them? Do you wish your colleagues or friends would use these tools? Why not attend as a team leader? Gather some friends who want to learn the topics and follow the workshop together. You don't need to be an expert: if you have been through CodeRefinery once or have some familiarity with the topics, and you are confident to call an expert helper when needed, then you have all it takes to lead a team to success, or lead even more people and join as an organization (see below).

Partners and local exercise groups

Some partners offer local support, such as breakout rooms, to their local teams. You can become a partner to support your community!

We collect here the exercise groups that we know:


  • Radovan Bast
  • Richard Darst
  • Enrico Glerean
  • Johan Hellsvik
  • Matias Jääskeläinen
  • Thomas Pfau
  • Dhanya Pushpadas
  • Jarno Rantaharju
  • Samantha Wittke

Workshop organizers

  • Radovan Bast
  • Richard Darst
  • Matias Jääskeläinen


  • Samantha Wittke

Recording and broadcasting

  • Richard Darst
  • Matias Jääskeläinen
  • Jarno Rantaharju
  • Mira Salmensaari


  • Dhanya Pushpadas

Expert helpers

  • Diana Iusan
  • Enrico Glerean
  • Teemu Ruokolainen

Collaborative notes editors

  • Diana Iusan
  • Stephan Smuts
  • Johan Hellsvik


CodeRefinery is a project within the Nordic e-Infrastructure Collaboration (NeIC). NeIC is an organisational unit under NordForsk.


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