In this lesson we will give overview of an IDE and its functionality. We have selected PyCharm as the IDE to demonstrate the use of Integrated Development Environments. We want to show you how IDEs integrate features necessary for developing code.
Note: Most of the IDEs offer similar features and support the functionality that we discuss in this lesson. This demonstration is relevant for other IDEs as well.
We start by creating a project.
The screen is divided in a project area and a gray canvas.
This is currently an empty project. It contains the default setup for a project with a Python Interpreter. If you double click on “External Libraries”, you will see your Python Environment.
Note, if you want to remove a view select the “Black&&White”-vertical bar. For a horizontal view, there will be a corresonding horizontal bar.
Create a python file by selecting a “File”->”New”->”Python File”. Call the file demo
, and add the following
Python code to the file:
Note: the code is not working according to specification, we will fix it later by debugging
Code to demonstrate debugging behavior of PyCharm
It takes nth number and
1) calculates the sum of 1 to n digits, i.e., 1+2+3+ ...+n
2) multiplies from 1 to n digits, i.e., 1*2*3* ...*n
If input is given as 4, then
1) sum = 10 (1+2+3+4)
2) multiplication = 24 (1 * 2 * 3 * 4)
from __future__ import print_function
def demo(n):
sum = 0
multiplication = 0
for i in range(n):
sum = sum + i
print('sum is {}'.format(sum))
for x in range(n):
multiplication = multiplication * n
print('multiplication is {}'.format(multiplication))
input_number = int(input('enter nth number: '))
The file can be executed by selecting “Run”->”Run”. The output from the execution will disappear by select the “Red X”.
before code to track unfinshed workFirst run the demo program normally, to experience its behavior. The program asks for input. The actual result deviates from the expected result.
Let us debug the code by placing breakpoints. Set breakpoints in the program by pointing the mouse on the line you want to examine and push the mouse button.
Execute the program under the control of the debugger. Select “Run”->”Debug”. Note, that
there is two “Debug”. First time you run something in the debugger, you need to select
the lower one in the dialog.
The debugger will execute the program until it hits a break point. At the break point it is possible to inspect the state of the program. The debugger present this to us:
In the code, the state of the variables are printed. PyCharm call this inline debugging and it is a replacement for your print statements, which you would otherwise add to the code for getting the state of different variables.
By selecting the green “Play”-button, the code will execute to the next break point.
The view provides several stepping “buttons”, use the one with a red line through it, “Step into my code”. See how the variables are updated inline.
We can refactor the demo function
in above code into separate functions for addition and multiplication
Select the code from which you want to create a function and then Right click -> refactor -> extract -> method
and add some text to it. Click Show editor and preview on the right upper alleviates the process of instantiating your abstract ideas:
IDEs are helpful and can boost effectiveness