Tuesdays tools and techniques for HPC - Parallelization

In this lesson we will introduce the concept of embarassingly parallel code, and how we can use this property to easily distribute heavy computation to multiple processes without the necessity of falling back on mechanisms within the language.


  • Basic HPC usage course (if you don’t have, many of the things we talk about won’t make sense, but you might pick up something anyway).

  • A bit of experience using a HPC cluster (technically optional, but will allow you to engage with the material at a deeper level).

  • Access to some HPC computer cluster to do most exercises. (Slurm-based, but most are these days). (If you don’t have, you can’t do all exercises - but still might learn something!)


This part of the lesson will introduce the concept of embarassingly parallel code, and how we can use this property to easily distribute heavy computation to multiple processes without the necessity of falling back on mechanisms within the language.


By running several computations in parallel we place a few more constraints on what we can or cannot do, resulting in concurrency issues. In a non parallel situation we commonly do not need to pay attention to what the resources are accessed by the code. This is different when the code runs in parallel. There are also additional considerations as to overheads which need to be taken into consideration.

5 min


10 min


5 min

Pitfalls - Concurrency issues

5 min

Pitfalls - Hardware/Server limitations

5 min

Convert a Jupyter Notebook to a Python script

30 min

Parallelize using scripting

10 min

Parallelize using Slurm Array jobs

20 min

Parallelize using Workflow Manager

5 min

Conclusions and recommendations

Who is the course for?

This course is for people using clusters or other larger computing resources. It’s not a basic course, but also not extremely advanced. It lets you see some examples and know what people actually do, and then you can follow up with more reading, courses, or direct help later on.

Some learner personas:

  • You’ve just taken a basic HPC course, and while you mostly understand how the basic pices work, you are left wondering “How does this all fit together? How do people combine all of these tools into an actual whole workflow?”.

    You care about some real examples and things you can use right now, but wouldn’t mind seeing some advanced or out-of-scope stuff as long as you don’t have to spend too much mental effort on it.

    You’ll probably do the more basic exercises and watch the rest as a demo until you come back to it later (if needed).

  • You’ve been using the cluster for a while and doing your work just fine - or so you think. It works well, but you know there must be some other tricks out there that can make your life (if not work) even better.

    You’ll probably attend and do the more advanced exercises, while passively watching some of the more basic demos.