---------- Subject: CodeRefinery Community call Start: Monday, 08 April 2024, 15:00 EEST Location: https://hackmd.io/@coderefinery/team-meeting Description: CodeRefinery community meeting, everyone is most welcome! Agenda/connection details: https://hackmd.io/@coderefinery/team-meeting ---------- Subject: Community teaching workshop Start: Tuesday, 21 June 2022, 13:00 EEST Location: Online Description: It's dangerous to go alone, take each other! Remote work has transformed interactive teaching from something that exists in one room to something that can be a community event. While online misses physical presence, by using the practices CodeRefinery has developed, we can keep it reasonable interactive and take advantage of a huge number of other benefits, such as more collaboration, more ways to learn (for different needs), and more large-scale interaction. This mini-workshop will try to discuss (and demonstrate) some of the best practices that CodeRefinery (https://coderefinery.org) has learned during remote teaching, and provides a hands-on way of getting some experience with them. At only three hours, this is more of a preview and discussion than an intensive training event (and we hope to have a longer event sometime in mid-late 2022). Info and registration: https://hackmd.io/@coderefinery/community-teaching-2022-summer ---------- Subject: Kick-off 2022 Start: Thursday, 01 September 2022, 11:30 EEST End: Friday, 02 September 2022, 13:00 EEST Location: Aalto University campus (Finland) Description: Details: https://hackmd.io/@coderefinery/kickoff2022 ---------- Subject: Python for Scicomp Hackathon Start: Thursday, 01 September 2022, 11:00 EEST End: Friday, 02 September 2022, 12:00 EEST Location: https://aalto.zoom.us/j/64696542787 and Zulip Description: Work together to improve the Python for Scicomp course materials. The winter 2022 Python for Scicomp is still fresh in our minds and the feedback is handy. It's easy to postpone implementing these to tomorrow, but tomorrow never comes and we end frantically updating materials a few weeks before the course. But this time it will be different! We will start with an informal chat and planning session on Zoom and continue to work on our favorite sections, or the sections we think need the most work. Everyone is welcome. You don't need have tought the course. If you have time to help with a few issues, your help is appreciated.