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CMake lesson: Data processing pipeline using Make


Teaching: 20 min
Exercises: 10 min
  • Why do many projects use Makefiles?
  • How does the make command work?
  • What are Makefiles composed of?
  • Why are Makefiles useful for Python and R developers?
  • Understand why they exist.
  • Recipe for reproducible data processing pipelines.

Makefiles are over 40 years old!

  • And they are probably here to stay. Why?
  • Why do we divide projects into many files?
  • Why not just write a script that compiles and links all files?

Motivation for the following exercise

  • Get a feel for Makefiles.
  • Demonstrate that Makefiles are not only for compiling C, C++, and Fortran code.
  • Motivate Makefiles for data processing.
  • “Parallelize” data processing pipelines using Make.

Data processing pipeline example

We clone an example repository.

This example contains two scripts that should in a very simplified way represent a real data processing pipeline.

The script counts the 10 most frequent characters in a text, read from standard input:

$ cat data/ | ./

This produces:

i 42
e 38
t 32
o 29
u 29
a 29
n 24
l 22
r 22
d 19

The output of this script can be piped into a second script called which “plots” the result in a bar “chart”:

$ cat data/ | ./ | ./

Which produces:

i #####################
e ###################
t ################
o ##############
u ##############
a ##############
n ############
l ###########
r ###########
d #########

The scripts are extremely simplified versions of real life scripts.


  • Imagine you need to process tens or hundreds or thousands of such texts.
  • Try to use Make to simplify and parallelize this task.

Structure of Makefiles

# rule
target: dependencies

# another rule
target: dependencies

# ...

There are tabs in front of the commands, not spaces!

Makefile to process one data file

Create a file called Makefile with the following content (mind the tabs):

all: data/lorem.tmp data/lorem.out

data/lorem.tmp: data/
        cat data/ | ./ > data/lorem.tmp

data/lorem.out: data/lorem.tmp
        cat data/lorem.tmp | ./ > data/lorem.out

And test it:

$ make
  • Try modifying the input text and hit make.
  • Try make again without modifying the input text.

How does Make know that the outputs need to be rebuilt or not?

Try also “updating” the input file with touch:

$ touch data/*.in
$ make

Makefile to process all data files

Now we will try a more sophisticated example:

SRCS = $(wildcard data/*.in)

OBJS = $(patsubst,%.tmp,$(SRCS))
OBJS += $(patsubst,%.out,$(SRCS))

all: $(OBJS)

# otherwise intermediate tmp files would be deleted
.PRECIOUS: %.tmp

	cat $< | ./ > $@

%.out: %.tmp
	cat $< | ./ > $@

Discuss the changes and the motivations behind these changes.

Parallel processing

Now we have a Makefile which can process thousands of files. It will also discover which files need to be rebuilt if we modify inputs.

In this simple example the dependencies are not branched but in a real life example we can imagine complex dependency trees.

Let us slow things down

Now let us simulate the situation that the processing takes a lot of time.

For this edit and and insert an artificial pause (maybe 2 or 3 seconds) by changing num_seconds_sleep.

Then time the entire processing:

$ touch data/*.in
$ time make

cat data/ | ./ > data/lorem.tmp
cat data/lorem.tmp | ./ > data/lorem.out
cat data/ | ./ > data/shakespeare.tmp
cat data/shakespeare.tmp | ./ > data/shakespeare.out
cat data/ | ./ > data/faust.tmp
cat data/faust.tmp | ./ > data/faust.out
make  0.22s user 0.04s system 2% cpu 12.289 total

Let us speed things up

Now if you have 4 cores in your laptop (adapt accordingly), try:

$ touch data/*.in
$ time make -j4

cat data/ | ./ > data/lorem.tmp
cat data/lorem.tmp | ./ > data/lorem.out
cat data/ | ./ > data/shakespeare.tmp
cat data/shakespeare.tmp | ./ > data/shakespeare.out
cat data/ | ./ > data/faust.tmp
cat data/faust.tmp | ./ > data/faust.out
make -j4  0.27s user 0.03s system 7% cpu 4.131 total

Discuss what just happened.


Key points

  • Makefiles express targets, rules, and dependencies.