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CMake lesson: Exercise 1: CMake-ify a Tetris game


Teaching: 0 min
Exercises: 10 min
  • How to configure and compile a code that you found on the net.

Exercise: Create a CMake framework for a Tetris game

  • Work in a team (or on your own if you prefer).
  • Clone this project.
  • Take the CMakeLists.txt from the previous section “Hello-world example using CMake” as a starting point.
  • Try to configure and compile the game with CMake.
  • Play Tetris and try to get a good score.


The language is now C instead of CXX.

The executable is now built from two source files: tetris.c and main.c.

You will need this in your CMakeLists.txt:


Key points

  • Have fun!