List of exercises
Full list
This is a list of all exercises and solutions in this lesson, mainly as a reference for helpers and instructors. This list is automatically generated from all of the other pages in the lesson. Any single teaching event will probably cover only a subset of these, depending on their interests.
Motivation and wishlist
Our motivation (but let us brainstorm first)
You will probably use your code in the future and may forget details.
You may want others to use your code (almost impossible without documentation).
You may want others to contribute to the code.
Shield your limited time and let the documentation answer FAQs.
Our wishlist (but let us brainstorm first)
Your code project should be versioned (version control).
Enable reproducibility and avoid confusion: documentation should be versioned as well.
Have you ever seen: “We will soon release a new version and are updating the documentation. Some features may not be available in the version you have downloaded.”?
Documentation should be placed and tracked close to the source code
Documenting close to the source code (e.g. subdirectory
) minimizes barrier to contribute.I should not need to log in to another machine or service and jump through hoops to contribute.
It is often good enough to have a
along with your code/script.
Use a standard markup language
Markup is a set of human readable instructions that is used to tell the computer how a document shall be styled and structured. By using a markup language we can for example write a *
or -
where we want a bullet point to appear in the rendered document.
offers formatting flexibility, enforces a basic document structure and the rendered documents can be exported to other formats (e.g. for printing). Also, the source can be read by humans without knowledge of the language in case the rendered document is unavailable.
We suggest to use either reStructuredText (RST) or Markdown markup.
GitHub and GitLab automatically render
PDF alone is not enough since copy-pasting out of a PDF document can be difficult.
It is OK to provide a generated PDF in addition to a copy-paste-able format.
Written by humans
Automatically generated documentation (e.g. API documentation) is useful as complementary documentation but it does not replace tutorials written by humans.
Installation instructions
Give step by step instructions for the basic case. Additional information and caveats can be linked from there.
List requirements and dependencies (libraries, compilers, environment).
Include instructions for how to test for correctness after installation.
Make the license explicit
Include a LICENSE file with your source code.
Without a license, your work is under exclusive copyright by default: others are not allowed to re-use or modify anything.
GitHub and GitLab allows to choose a license from common license templates.
Information for contributors
Make it easy for others to contribute: document how you prefer others to contribute.
Users of your code may be shy to contribute code. Your documentation provides a platform for your first contributions.
In-code documentation
Writing good README files
Exercise README-1: Have fun testing some README features you may not have heard about
Test the effect of adding the following to your GitHub README (read more):
> [!NOTE] > Highlights information that users should take into account, even when skimming. > [!IMPORTANT] > Crucial information necessary for users to succeed. > [!WARNING] > Critical content demanding immediate user attention due to potential risks.
For more detailed descriptions which you don’t want to show by default you might find this useful (please try it out):
<details> <summary> Short summary </summary> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. </details>
Would you like to add a badge like this one:
Badge that links to a website (see also
Badge without link:

Know about other tips and tricks? Please share them (send a pull request to this lesson).
Exercise README-2: Draft or improve a README for one of your recent projects
Try to draft a brief README or review a README which you have written for one of your projects.
You can do that either by screensharing and discussing or working individually.
Use the checklist which we have discussed earlier.
Think about the user (which can be a future you) of your project, what does this user need to know to use or contribute to the project? And how do you make your project attractive to use or contribute to?
(Optional): Try the to analyse your README file and make your writing bold and clear.
Please note observations and recommendations in the collaborative notes.
Exercise README-3: Review and discuss a README of a project that you have used
In this exercise we will review and discuss a README of a project which you have used. You can also review a library which is popular in your domain of research and discuss their README.
You can do that either by screensharing and discussing or working individually.
When discussing other people’s projects please remember to be respectful and constructive. The goal of this exercise is not to criticize other projects but to learn from other projects and to collect the aspects that you enjoyed finding in a README and to also collect aspects which you have searched for but which are sometimes missing.
Please note observations and recommendations in the collaborative notes.
Sphinx and Markdown
Sphinx-1: Generate the basic documentation template
Create a directory for the example documentation, step into it, and inside generate the basic documentation template:
$ mkdir doc-example
$ cd doc-example
$ sphinx-quickstart
The quickstart utility will ask you some questions. For this exercise, you can go with the default answers except to specify a project name, author name, and project release:
> Separate source and build directories (y/n) [n]: <hit enter>
> Project name: <your project name>
> Author name(s): <your name>
> Project release []: 0.1
> Project language [en]: <hit enter>
A couple of files and directories are created:
File/directory |
Contents |
---|---| |
Documentation configuration file |
index.rst |
Main file in Sphinx |
_build/ |
Directory where docs are built (you can decide the name) |
_templates/ |
Your own HTML templates |
_static/ |
Static files (images, styles, etc.) copied to output directory on build |
Makefile |
Makefile to build documentation using make |
make.bat |
Makefile to build documentation using make (Windows) |
and make.bat
(for Windows) are build scripts that wrap the sphinx commands, but
we will be doing it explicitly.
Let’s have a look at the index.rst
file, which is the main file of your documentation:
.. myproject documentation master file, created by
sphinx-quickstart on Sat Sep 23 17:35:26 2023.
You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least
contain the root `toctree` directive.
Welcome to myproject's documentation!
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 2
:caption: Contents:
Indices and tables
* :ref:`genindex`
* :ref:`modindex`
* :ref:`search`
We will not use the
Indices and tables
section now, so remove it and everything below.The top four lines, starting with
, are a comment.The next lines are the table of contents. We can add content below:
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 2
:caption: Contents:
Note that
needs to be indented to align with :caption:
We now need to tell Sphinx to use markdown files. To do this, we open
and replace the line:
extensions = []
with this line so that Sphinx can parse Markdown files:
extensions = ['myst_parser']
Let’s create the file
(in Markdown format) which we have just listed in
(which uses reStructured Text format).
# Some feature
## Subsection
Exciting documentation in here.
Let's make a list (empty surrounding lines required):
- item 1
- nested item 1
- nested item 2
- item 2
- item 3
We now build the site:
$ ls -1
$ sphinx-build . _build
... lots of output ...
build succeeded.
The HTML pages are in _build.
$ ls -1 _build
Now open the file _build/index.html
in your browser.
Linux users, type:
$ xdg-open _build/index.html
macOS users, type:
$ open _build/index.html
Windows users, type:
$ start _build/index.html
If the above does not work: Enter
in your browser (adapting the path to your case).
Hopefully you can now see a website. If so, then you are able to build Sphinx pages locally. This is useful to check how things look before pushing changes to GitHub or elsewhere.
Note that you can change the styling by editing
and changing the value html_theme
(for instance you can set it to sphinx_rtd_theme
(if you have that Python package installed)
to have the Read the Docs look).
Sphinx-2: Add more content to your example documentation
Add a entry below
(or a better name) to theindex.rst
file.Create a file
in the same directory as theindex.rst
file.Add some content to
, rebuild withsphinx-build . _build
, and refresh the browser to look at the results.Use the MyST Typography page as help.
Experiment with the following Markdown syntax:
*Emphasized text* and **bold text**
# Level 1
## Level 2
### Level 3
#### Level 4
An image:

[A link](
Numbered lists (numbers adjusted automatically):
1. item 1
2. item 2
3. item 3
1. item 4
1. item 5
Simple tables:
| No. | Prime |
| ---- | ------ |
| 1 | No |
| 2 | Yes |
| 3 | Yes |
| 4 | No |
Code blocks:
The following is a Python code block:
def hello():
print("Hello world")
And this is a C code block:
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
printf("Hello, World!");
return 0;
You could include an external file (here we assume a file called “” exists; at the same time we highlight lines 2 and 3):
:language: python
:emphasize-lines: 2-3
We can also use Jupyter notebooks (*.ipynb) with Sphinx. It requires the myst-nb extension to be installed.
Sphinx-3: Rendering (LaTeX) math equations
Math equations should work out of the box. In some older versions, you might need
to edit
and add sphinx.ext.mathjax
extensions = ['myst_parser', 'sphinx.ext.mathjax']
Try this (result below):
This creates an equation:
a^2 + b^2 = c^2
This is an in-line equation, {math}`a^2 + b^2 = c^2`, embedded in text.
This creates an equation:
This is an in-line equation, \(a^2 + b^2 = c^2\), embedded in text.
Deploying Sphinx documentation to GitHub Pages
GH-Pages-1: Deploy Sphinx documentation to GitHub Pages
In this exercise we will create an example repository on GitHub and deploy it to GitHub Pages.
Step 1: Go to the documentation-example project template on GitHub and create a copy to your namespace.
Give it a name, for instance “documentation-example”.
You don’t need to “Include all branches”
Click on “Create a repository”.
Step 2: Browse the new repository.
It will look very familar to the previous episode.
However, we have moved the documentation part under
(many projects do it this way). But it is still a Sphinx documentation project.The source code for your project could then go under
Step 3: Add the GitHub Action to your new Git repository.
Add a new file at
(either through terminal or web interface), containing:
name: documentation
on: [push, pull_request, workflow_dispatch]
contents: write
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- uses: actions/setup-python@v5
- name: Install dependencies
run: |
pip install sphinx sphinx_rtd_theme myst_parser
- name: Sphinx build
run: |
sphinx-build doc _build
- name: Deploy to GitHub Pages
uses: peaceiris/actions-gh-pages@v3
if: ${{ github.event_name == 'push' && github.ref == 'refs/heads/main' }}
publish_branch: gh-pages
github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
publish_dir: _build/
force_orphan: true
You don’t need to understand all of the above, but you might spot familiar commands in the
sections.After the file has been committed (and pushed), check the action at
with your GitHub username).
Step 4: Enable GitHub Pages
On GitHub go to “Settings” -> “Pages”.
In the “Source” section, choose “Deploy from a branch” in the dropdown menu.
In the “Branch” section choose “gh-pages” and “/root” in the dropdown menus and click save.
You should now be able to verify the pages deployment in the Actions list).
Step 5: Verify the result
Your site should now be live on
(replace USER).
Step 6: Verify refreshing the documentation
Commit some changes to your documentation
Verify that the documentation website refreshes after your changes (can take few seconds or a minute)
Hosting websites/homepages on GitHub Pages
GH-Pages-2: Host your own github page
Deploy own website reusing a template:
Follow the steps from GitHub Pages The documentation there is very good so there is no need for us to duplicate the screenshots.
Select “Project site”.
Select “Choose a theme”.
Follow the instructions on
Browse your page on (adjust “USERNAME” and “REPOSITORY”).
Make a change to the repository after the webpage has been deployed for the first time.
Please wait few minutes and then verify that the change shows up on the website.
In-code-1: Comments
Let’s take a look at two example comments (comments in Python start with
):Comment A
Comment B
Which of these comments is more useful? Can you explain why?
Comment A describes what happens in this piece of code. This can be useful for somebody who has never seen Python or a program, but for somebody who has, it can feel like a redundant commentary.
Comment B is probably more useful as it describes why this piece of code is there, i.e. its purpose.