Python environment in a container
Learn how to create a Python environment in an apptainer image
Python environments are nowadays very popular due to the popularity of Python as a scientific programming language. These environments can sometimes be problematic for the filesystem as they require thousands of files.
Exercise 1: Creating Python image with image’s pip
Install Python environment to base python image
- Use the base python image and install following packages to the image:
Create the following definition file python_definition.def
Bootstrap: docker
From: python:latest
# Python is already installed in the image
pip install numpy pandas
You can then create the container with:
$ apptainer build python_environment.sif python_definition.def
You can test out the python with:
$ apptainer run python_environment.sif python
Exercise 2: Creating conda/mamba environment in an image
Install an environment to an apptainer image using an optimized definition file
Create an environment with this definition file customized for environment creation:
- Install the following packages to the environment:
Write the following environment.yml
name: base
- conda-forge
- python
- numpy
- pandas
Obtain the micromamba_apptainer.def
bootstrap definition file from the repository:
Bootstrap: docker
From: mambaorg/micromamba:latest
environment.yml /opt
micromamba install -q -y -n base -f /opt/environment.yml
micromamba clean --all --yes
EnvironmentFile: /opt/environment.yml
This container containes a Python environment created
from an environment file.
To run Python from the environment:
apptainer run my_environment.sif python
To see the environment file used to create the environment:
apptainer run my_environment.sif cat /opt/environment.yml
To see what packags are in the environment:
apptainer run micromamba list
You can then create the container with:
$ apptainer build my_environment.sif micromamba_apptainer.def
You can test out the python with:
$ apptainer run my_environment.sif python