Zoom mechanics and controls


  • Most Zoom controls are probably well known by now, but if not, view Zoom’s basic guide

  • Mute and unmute yourself from the buttons on bottom.

  • You can rename yourself from the participants list (hover over your name.

  • We don’t use Zoom chat for typical questions: use HackMD instead.

    • Chat OK for administrative questions.

  • When joining, please use the name you used to register for the course.

Audio/video on or off?

  • Main room: Stay muted, video off, unless you want to speak up.

  • Breakout rooms: Try to leave on for most interactive atmosphere.

Workshops with teams: your name should indicate your breakout room

You will be told if this section is relevant to you.

  • Have your breakout room number in your name:

    • (number) Your Name

    • (number,H) The Name for helpers

    Names with breakout room numbers

  • Rename yourself in a meeting by starting participants list:

    participants list button at bottom

    Rename is found if you hover your name and click “more”

    participants list button at bottom

Breakout rooms

  • Click the “breakout rooms” button at bottom and you can join a room.

  • You can click “Join” to join your breakout room by yourself.

    • If you are joined via web, make sure your name is correct (see above) and use Zoom chat to ask host to assign you to the room.

  • Return to main room: “Leave” button at bottom has an option for “Return to main room”.


We watch the participant list and can see these reactions (in the application):

Zoom reactions via the bottom bar

  • Task completed: Green check

  • Technical problem: Red X

  • Need more time: Slower “<<”

  • You can signal go faster and go slower

  • You can Raise your hand

Other settings

Other zoom settings

  • Automatic fullscreen when screenshare starts can be turned off

  • Dual monitor mode makes separate windows for screenshare and participants

See also

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