Automated testing: from unit tests to end-to-end tests


  • Get an overview of possibilities for automated testing.

  • Add a unit test to a function.

  • Add an end-to-end test or discuss how it could look.

  • Make the testing part of code review.

  • Discuss where to start in your own project.

Technical possibilities

Any programming language has tools/libraries to perform:

  • Unit tests: test a function or a module and compare function result to a reference.

  • End-to-end test: run the whole code and compare result to a reference.

  • Coverage analysis: Give overview of which parts of the code are tested.

  • The test (set) can be run automatically on GitHub Actions or GitLab CI after every Git commit.


  • Less scary to change code: tests will tell you whether something broke.

  • Unit tests can guide towards better structured code: complicated code is more difficult to test.

  • Easier for new people to join.

  • Easier for somebody to revive an old code.

How testing is often taught

def add(a, b):
    return a + b

def test_add():
    assert add(1, 2) == 3

How this feels:

Instruction on how to draw an owl

[Citation needed]

Instead, we will look at and discuss a real example where we test components from our image processing project.



  • We will together open a pull request from a branch that implements testing and review it.

  • We will verify that from there on tests are run automatically.

  • We will try to open another pull request later which would break tests (and not merge it).


  • We will discuss the potential but also limitations of the code changes.

  • Do we need this for a simple Notebook?

Where to start

  • A simple script or notebook probably does not need an automated test.

If you have nothing yet:

  • Start with an end-to-end test.

  • Describe in words how you check whether the code still works.

  • Translate the words into a script.

  • Run the script automatically on every code change.

If you want to start with unit-testing:

  • You want to rewrite a function? Start adding a unit test right there first.

Recommendations for Notebooks

  • Automated testing is often too much for notebooks.

  • Instead you can test modules that you import in the notebook.

  • What is often more useful is to provide an example input and show how the result should look like. Good example: scikit-image

More resources