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Teaching: 10 min
Exercises: 0 min
  • Why is one programming language often not enough?
  • Motivate why it can be beneficial to combine scripted and compiled languages.

Why is one programming language often not enough?

  Python C C++ Fortran
Pros prototyping fast low-level to high-level expressiveness math
  readability portable data structures speed
Cons speed low-level complexity lack of containers
  type system explicit memory management lots of boilerplate code strings
        input parsing

Some cons are sometimes pros. This is not a flame-war. The point here is that different languages have their own strengths and weaknesses.

Motivation for this tutorial

  • Each language has strengths and weaknesses, combine the strengths.
  • To speed up Python code: move the bottleneck outside of Python.
  • To simplify compiled code: express code that is not efficiency-critical in Python.
  • To combine libraries or legacy code written in different languages: sometimes others have chosen the language.
  • To unit test compiled code with Python: simple and you can write tests without recompiling the code.
  • To package compiled code with Python: PyPI is awesome.

Can you think of more reasons?

In this tutorial we will discuss and present how to glue different languages together - buckle up!

Key points

  • Use the right tool for the right task and leverage tools.