Imagine you are on a desert island and wish to compute $\pi$. You have a computer with you with compilers installed but no math libraries and no Wikipedia.
Here is one way of doing it - throwing darts (generating random points in an interval and checking whether the points are within a given radius):
Discuss briefly how you can approximate $\pi$ from such an experiment and how you would program it.
In this workshop we will implement this example in 3 different languages (C++, Fortran, Python) and demonstrate how to call this functionality across languages.
Later we will combine these 3 implementations in a Python package and learn few useful tricks.
arrivedBefore you continue, create a fresh directory for this session.
Test the following Python code (Python newcomers please sit next to an experienced Python developer):
import random
def _distance_to_origin_squared(x, y):
return x*x + y*y
def approximate_pi(num_points):
num_inside = 0
for _ in range(num_points):
x = random.uniform(0.0, 1.0)
y = random.uniform(0.0, 1.0)
if _distance_to_origin_squared(x, y) < 1.0:
num_inside += 1
# we multiply by 4 to get the full circle
# from the 4 segments
return 4.0*num_inside/float(num_points)
when computing distances?Let us now fetch an example from the web:
$ git clone --branch exercise/cxx-fortran cxx-fortran
Let us inspect the file structure:
$ cd cxx-fortran
We see the following files:
|-- CMakeLists.txt
`-- island
|-- main.cpp
|-- main.f90
|-- pi.cpp
|-- pi.f90
|-- pi.h
Your task is to configure and build the code with:
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make
.Your task now is to let C++ also call the Fortran implementation and to let Fortran also call the C++ implementation.
For this first uncomment the two following lines:
Then try to recompile - you will observe that the code has unmet dependencies. Try to fix these (use out-commented code for hints). Finally, verify that the binaries work and that they indeed call both implementations.
Discuss with the group how it works.
iso_c_binding is the standard and recommended way to glue Fortran and C/C++ in a portable way.