Merging changes and contributing to the project

Git allows us to have different development lines where we can try things out. It also allows different people to work on the same project at the same. This means that we have to somehow combine the changes later. In this part we will practice this: merging.


  • Understand that on GitHub merging is done through a pull request (on GitLab: “merge request”). Think of it as a change proposal.

  • Create and merge a pull request within your own repository.

  • Understand (and optionally) do the same across repositories, to contribute to the upstream public repository.


Illustration of what we want to achieve in this exercise

Illustration of what we want to achieve in this exercise.

Exercise: Merging branches

First, we make something called a pull request, which allows review and commenting before the actual merge.

We assume that in the previous exercise you have created a new branch with one or few new commits. We provide basic hints. You should refer to the solution as needed.

  1. Navigate to your branch from the previous episode (hint: the same branch view we used last time).

  2. Begin the pull request process (hint: There is a “Contribute” button in the branch view).

  3. Add or modify the pull request title and description, and verify the other data. In the pull request verify the target repository and the target branch. Make sure that you are merging within your own repository. GitHub: By default, it will offer to make the change to the upstream repository, workshop-material. You should change this, you shouldn’t contribute your commit(s) upstream yet. Where it says base repository, select your own repository.

  4. Create the pull request by clicking “Create pull request”. Browse the network view to see if anything has changed yet.

  5. Merge the pull request, or if you are not on GitHub you can merge the branch locally. Browse the network again. What has changed?

  6. Find out which branches are merged and thus safe to delete. Then remove them and verify that the commits are still there, only the branch labels are gone (hint: you can delete branches that have been merged into main).

  7. Optional: Try to create a new branch with a new change, then open a pull request but towards the original (upstream) repository. We will later merge few of those.

The solution below goes over most of the answers, and you are encouraged to use it when the hints aren’t enough - this is by design.

Solution and walk-through

(2) Begin the pull request process

In GitHub, the pull request is the way we propose to merge two branches together. We start the process of making one.

(3) Fill out and verify the pull request

Check that the pull request is directed to the right repository and branch and that it contains the changes that you meant to merge.

Things to check:

  • Base repository: this should be your own

  • Title: make it descriptive

  • Description: make it informative

  • Scroll down to see commits: are these the ones you want to merge?

  • Scroll down to see the changes: are these the ones you want to merge?

    Screenshot on GitHub where we verify the changes we want to merge.

    This screenshot only shows the top part. If you scroll down, you can see the commits and the changes. We recommend to do this before clicking on “Create pull request”.

(4) Create the pull request

We actually create the pull request. Don’t forget to navigate to the Network view after opening the pull request. Note that the changes proposed in the pull request are not yet merged.

Click on the green button “Create pull request”.

If you click on the little arrow next to “Create pull request”, you can also see the option to “Create draft pull request”. This will be interesting later when collaborating with others. It allows you to open a pull request that is not ready to be merged yet, but you want to show it to others and get feedback.

(5) Merge the pull request

Now, we do the actual merging. We see some effects now.

Review it again (commits and changes), and then click “Merge pull request”.

After merging, verify the network view. Also navigate then to your “main” branch and check that your change is there.

(6) Delete merged branches

Before deleting branches, first check whether they are merged.

If you delete an un-merged branch, it will be difficult to find the commits that were on that branch. If you delete a merged branch, the commits are now also part of the branch where we have merged to.

One way to delete the branch is to click on the “Delete branch” button after the pull request is merged:

Screenshot on GitHub suggesting us to delete a branch after it has been merged.

But what if we forgot? Then navigate to the branch view:

Screenshot on GitHub where we navigate to the branches view.

In the overview we can see that it has been merged and we can delete it.

(7) Contribute to the original repository with a pull request

This is an advanced step. We will practice this tomorrow and it is OK to skip this at this stage.

Now that you know how to create branches and opening a pull request, try to open a new pull request with a new change but this time the base repository should be the upstream one.

In other words, you now send a pull request across repositories: from your fork to the original repository.

Another thing that is different now is that you might not have permissions to merge the pull request. We can then together review and browse the pull request.


  • We learned how to merge two branches together.

  • When is this useful? This is not only useful to combine development lines in your own work. Being able to merge branches also forms the basis for collaboration.

  • Branches which are merged to other branches are safe to delete, since we only delete the “sticky note” next to a commit, not the commits themselves.