Converting an old lesson ======================== .. highlight: console Convert a Jekyll lesson ----------------------- This brings in the necessary files Add the template lesson as a new remote:: git remote add s-l-t git fetch s-l-t Check out some basic files into your working directory. Warning: if you add a ``.github/workflows/sphinx.yml`` file, even a push to a branch will **override github pages**:: git checkout s-l-t/main -- requirements.txt git checkout s-l-t/main -- .github/workflows/sphinx.yml If you need more Sphinx files:: git checkout s-l-t/main -- content/ git checkout s-l-t/main -- .gitignore Makefile make.bat If you need the full content (only ``index.rst`` for now):: git checkout s-l-t/main -- content/ (if jekyll conversion) Move content over:: git mv _episodes/* content/ (if jekyll conversion) Copy stuff from ```` into ``content/index.rst``. (if jekyll conversion) Remove old jekyll stuff:: git rm jekyll-common/ _config.yml Gemfile .gitmodules Set up github pages (first commit to trigger CI), see :doc:`installation`:: git checkout -b gh-pages origin/gh-pages git commit -m 'empty commit to trigger gh-pages' --allow-empty git push Do all the rest of the fixing... all the bad, non-portable, non-relative markdown and so on. This is the hard part. Common problems: * Non-consecutive section headings * Multiple top-level section headings (there should be one top-level section heading that is the page title) * Weird relative links (most work though) You can also update your local view of the default branch:: git remote set-head origin --auto Joint history ------------- This option joins the histories of the two repositories, so that you could merge from the template repository to keep your files up to date. **This may not currently work**, and also may not have any value (but is kept here for reference until later). Merge the two unrelated histories:: $ git remote add template $ git fetch template $ git merge template/main --allow-unrelated-histories # Resolve any possible merge conflicts $ git checkout --theirs .gitignore $ git checkout --ours LICENSE $ git add .gitignore LICENSE $ git commit -m 'merge sphinx-lesson history to this lesson' Then proceed like the previous section shows.