Example installation of pFUnit and pFUnit_demos

Set up the environment

Installing pFUnit requires Git, a Fortran compiler and CMake.

On a cluster

On an HPC cluster you might need to add a few environment modules. For example, on Tetralith you would do:

module add git/2.19.3-nsc1-gcc-system
module add CMake/3.16.4-nsc1
export FC=/software/sse/manual/mpprun/4.1.3/nsc-wrappers/ifort

On own computer

If you don’t have CMake or a Fortran compiler installed yet, one option is to install them into a conda environment by first saving the following into a file environment.yml:

name: compilers
  - conda-forge
  - cmake
  - compilers

followed by installing the packages into a new environment:

conda env create -f environment.yml

and finally activating the environment:

conda activate compilers

For good measure, set the FC variable to point to your Fortran compiler (adjust path as needed):

export FC=$HOME/miniconda3/envs/compilers/bin/gfortran

Clone the pFUnit repository

git clone --recursive git@github.com:Goddard-Fortran-Ecosystem/pFUnit.git
cd pFUnit

Configure with Cmake

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..

Build and install

The following will install pFUnit into a directory installed under the build directory.

make tests
make install

Compiling with pFUnit

When compiling with pFUnit, set:

export PFUNIT_DIR=$HOME/path/to/pFUnit/build/installed


Clone the pFUnit_demos repository

This is for testing and learning purposes.

git clone git@github.com:Goddard-Fortran-Ecosystem/pFUnit_demos.git

Try out the Trivial, Basic, and MPI examples

cd pFUnit_demos
export PFUNIT_DIR=~pFUnit/build/installed/PFUNIT-4.2
cd Trivial
cd ../Basic
cd ../MPI