Workshop roles
Running massive workshops requires a lot of people. We have a variety of roles with different levels of support.
As usual, roles are a plan, and a plans are made to be updated.
Primary articles
Workshop roles:
Lower levels mean “top level sometimes split into some of these sub-roles”.
Instructor coordinator: coordinates schedule and instructors
Instructor: Teaches along with a co-teacher.
Expert helper: Spare person, usually watching HackMD but also rotates among breakout rooms. Often instructs some lessons.
Director: Manages the flow of the schedule during the workshop, introduces each lesson, etc. (often the instructor coordinator)
Broadcaster: Manages the livestreaming
Video editor: Edits and publishes videos the day of the workshop.
Registration coordinator: coordinates registration, helpers, and breakout rooms.
Exercise leader coordinator: Onboards exercise leaders
Host: Manages the learner breakout rooms, learner questions, etc. (often the registration coordinator)
Advertisement coordinator: Advertises and outreaches
Under both registration coordinator and instructor coordinator
HackMD manager: always watches and formats HackMD and publishes it same-day. “Eyes on the ground” via HackMD and chat and quickly communicates important information to instructor and registration coordinators.
Learner: attends and learns
Exercise leader: serves as a guide to the team, receives small amount of training before the workshop.
How many people teach in your workshops?
Using HackMD, make a histogram of how many (instructors + organizers) you typically have in your workshops.
List some of the common roles you have used.
See also
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