What is CodeRefinery?
Teaching tools and best practices for version control and reproducibility in modern research software development
Over 30 workshops to almost 1000 participants
Typical workshop: https://coderefinery.github.io/2020-10-20-online/#schedule
Lessons: https://coderefinery.org/lessons/
Carpentries membership
This workshop
Was it a useful format and useful content? Please give us feedback.
Should we collaborate on HPC Carpentry workshops?
Who will end up teaching HPC Carpentry? What do you need from us/somebody as support?
Nordic-RSE (research software engineers)
Bi-weekly meetings
Collaborative workshops
Ideas for more of this?
How to get involved in CodeRefinery
There are many ways to get involved: https://coderefinery.org/get-involved/
Become a workshop helper
Become a CodeRefinery workshop instructor
Become a Carpentries workshop instructor
Contribute to teaching material: https://github.com/coderefinery/
Create your own teaching material in our constellation of teaching.
Reuse our material
Become an institutional partner as a training hub
Participate in our chat and shape the project and lessons with us: https://coderefinery.zulipchat.com
Start a study group
Biggest open problems
How to give helpers and contributors more credit and visibility
How to promote/engage new members
We don’t know how we should be in relation with Carpentries
What are we? Non-profit? Institution collaboration network? Selling services?
Funding and sustainability (but we have ideas: collaboration network)
Scalability and marketing question: How to reach more people? (Research Software Hour, Twitch, streaming-only workshops, recording, post-processing videos)
Certification for CodeRefinery instructors
We will set up a more formal process soon but for now you would need to:
Attend an instructor training (this workshop).
Contribute to a lesson, either via pull request, issue, discussion, or as a helper.
Share a short teaching demo or teach a lesson at a CodeRefinery workshop where you will get some feedback on your teaching.
Participate in a call with other instructors and helpers either preparing a workshop or during a workshop debrief session.
There are many ways to learn how to teach well. We and carpentries provide one way and basic material, but we want to find a way for everyone to be a part of us.
See also https://coderefinery.github.io/manuals/instructor-intro/#from-helper-to-more.