

  • What recommendations can we take home?

There is not the one right way: it is always a balance

Jupyter notebooks can be good documentation for scripts

  • For simple scripts and post-processing, Jupyter notebooks can form a nice self-documenting pipeline.

  • They can be a nice way to accompany a paper that analyzed some data.

READMEs or Sphinx?

  • For smaller projects READMEs can be absolutely enough.

  • If the code is closed-source (and hence nobody can see the README), you probably prefer Sphinx (or similar).

  • If you need math equations, Sphinx might be a good fit.

How to make sure that code changes come together with documentation changes?

  • Make documentation part of your code review.

Read the Docs or GitHub pages or both?

  • GitHub pages typically serves one version (one branch). However, it is possible to build several or all branches as part of a workflow.

  • Read the Docs can serve several versions (several branches/tags) at the same time.

  • Some projects use both.

Consider making your development tutorial-driven

  • Writing documentation is as important as writing software.

  • Focus on how you use the software.

  • If there is no tutorial on it, the feature “doesn’t exist”.

  • Don’t keep tutorial in sync with code, keep code in sync with tutorial - change the tutorial first.

  • Read more in this fantastic slide-deck about tutorial-driven development.