Instructor tech setup
Screenshare: portrait layout instead of sharing entire screen
Prompt: adjust your prompt to make commands easy to read
Readability and beauty is important: adjust your setup for your audience
Share the history of your commands
Get set up a few days in advance and get an outside reviewer
Adjust your prompt/configuration/colors
Adjust your prompt to make commands easy to read. What looks good for your own work (many terminals, small font, extensions, shortcuts, color scheme) is usually not the best for other people watching you. Adjust your setup for your audience. Remove distractions.
You need to spend some time getting set up before you teach. 10 minutes before the session starts is typically too late. Get set up a few days in advance and get an outside reviewer.
Should instructors be forced to have a consistent screenshare?
There are pros and cons to all instructors using the same screenshare and prompt.
What are the advantages?
What are the opportunities of instructors showing different setups?
How does it depend on the lesson and the experience of learners?
More examples and how to set it up
Generally making your screen look good (prompt, remove distractions, command line history, etc):
Online setup for screen-shares:
Evaluate screen captures
Evaluate screenshots within the instructor tech setup lesson. Use the collaborative document to make a list of the trade-offs of each one. Which one do you prefer? Which are useful in each situation?
Set up your own environment
Set up your screen to teach something. Get some feedback from another learner. We will discuss among the class.