CodeRefinery instructor training

CodeRefinery instructor training is focused on helping competent practitioners and experts teach their knowledge to others. It also serves a kickstart to teaching CodeRefinery lessons, but we also have a gradual pathway of learner → helper → advanced helper → instructor as well.


This course has no strict prerequisites, but

  • It is helpful if you have attended CodeRefinery or Carpentries workshops, which teach in an interactive and hands-on way.

  • We assume you already have competence in the technical tools you want to teach. Many of our concepts use examples from CodeRefinery lessons, such as version control or other software development tools.

  • While not a prerequisite for this course, version control (git) is necessary to contribute to lessons development the way we show here (but the lesson design concepts are applicable to other styles, too).

60 min

Pre-workshop preparation

10 min

Welcome and introduction

15 min

About the CodeRefinery project

30 min

CodeRefinery teaching philosophies

20 min

Interactive teaching style

25 min

Running a workshop: online

20 min

Lesson design

30 min

Collaborative lesson development

30 min

How to teach online

100 min

Teaching practice and feedback

20 min


5 min

Organize a CodeRefinery workshop

Who is the course for?

You are interested in teaching CodeRefinery lessons, and would like a comprehensive kickstart to how CodeRefinery works either to join us, or teach its lessons with us or independently.

You are a technical specialist who is frustrated with the way you currently try to teach others who need to use your software or infrastructure. You can’t spend too much time to become a professional, but you know you need something more than what you’ve been doing. Thus, you would like to adopt some of the best practices of designing and teaching interactive, hands-on workshops.

You’ve been teaching alone, but would like to join a collaboration network for more co-teaching and to reduce the amount of duplication of effort.

You would like the most important practices from the Carpentries instructor training/lesson design philosophy, but can not take the time for the full Carpentries program.

About the course

This course gives an introduction to

  • Science and philosophy of teaching

  • How to teach interactive, hands-on lessons

  • How to design interactive, hands-on lessons

  • How CodeRefinery runs workshops

  • How CodeRefinery has scaled up and taken the best advantage of online teaching

  • CodeRefinery itself

  • The CodeRefinery collaboration network (and related networks in the Nordics)

See also