Introduction to collaborative version control with Git

Online workshop in cooperation with SINTEF

December 10 and 11, 2020

This workshop is funded by SINTEF and at the registration is not open for this event.

Video connection

We will use Zoom. Connection details are communicated directly to workshop participants.


Course goals and format

In this course, you will become familiar with tools and best practices for version control in modern research software development. The main focus is on using Git for efficiently writing and maintaining research software. We don’t teach programming, but we teach the tools you need to use programming well.

This is an informal and interactive event with type-along type of presentations, live coding, and demos. Short tutorials alternate with practical exercises.

Instructors and helpers

  • Anne Fouilloux
  • Sabry Razick
  • Radovan Bast


You need to install some software before the workshop (why we ask you to do this).

You also need to check your Git configuration (video: how to configure Git). If you have an institutional laptop with limited rights, start in advance and/or ask for help to translate these instructions to work on your system.

Please connect briefly during the installation help session to check your setup (see below).

Please read the first episode of our course: Motivation for version control (10 min read).

Please try to make a first commit before the course starts (20 min, “Tracking a guacamole recipe with Git” up to right before “Exercise: record changes”).


Questions, answers, and feedback

Here we can share during/after the workshop (anonymized) questions, answer, and feedback from the collaborative notes.


CodeRefinery is a project within the Nordic e-Infrastructure Collaboration (NeIC). NeIC is an organisational unit under NordForsk.

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