Non-bare and bare repositories


  • Understanding the difference between non-bare and bare repositories.

  • Being able to create a common repository for a group on our local computer or server.

Instructor note

  • 10 min teaching/demonstration

Non-bare repository

  • A non-bare repository contains .git/ as well as a snapshot of your tracked files that you can directly edit called the working tree (the actual files you can edit).

  • This is where we edit and commit changes.

  • When we create a repository with git init, it is a non-bare, “normal”, repository.

Bare repository

  • A bare repository contains only the .git/ part, no files you can directly edit.

  • By convention the names of bare repositories end with .git to emphasize this.

  • We never do actual editing work inside a bare repository.

  • GitHub, GitLab, etc. store a bare repository.

  • You can also create a bare repository on your computer/server to store your private repository.

If we have enough time, the instructor demonstrates how to create a bare repository on the local computer:

Bare-1: Create and use a bare repository

  • Create a new local repository with git init.

    $ cd /path/to/example
    $ git init
  • Populate it with a file and a commit or two.

  • Create one or two branches.

  • Clone this repository on the same computer with either --bare or --mirror:

    $ git clone --bare /path/to/example /path/to/example-bare
  • Inspect the bare repository.

  • Clone the bare repository:

    $ git clone /path/to/example-bare /path/to/example-clone
    $ cd /path/to/example-clone
  • Inside the clone inspect git remote -v.

  • Inside the clone create a commit and push the commit to origin.

  • The bare repository can be cloned several times and one can exercise pushing and pulling changes.


  • We do programming work inside non-bare repositories.

  • We can create a local common bare repository where we can push to and pull from.