Example project: 2D classification task using a nearest-neighbor predictor
The example code that we will study is a relatively simple nearest-neighbor predictor written in Python. It is not important or expected that we understand the code in detail.
The code will produce something like this:
The bottom row shows the training data (two labels) and the top row shows the test data and whether the nearest-neighbor predictor classified their labels correctly.
The big picture of the code is as follows:
We can choose the number of samples (the example above has 50 samples).
The code will generate samples with two labels (0 and 1) in a 2D space.
One of the labels has a normal distribution and a circular distribution with some minimum and maximum radius.
The second label only has a circular distribution with a different radius.
Then we try to predict whether the test samples belong to label 0 or 1 based on the nearest neighbors in the training data. The number of neighbors can be adjusted and the code will take label of the majority of the neighbors.
Example run
Instructor note
The instructor demonstrates running the code on their computer.
The code is written to accept command-line arguments to specify the number of samples and file names. Later we will discuss advantages of this approach.
Let us try to get the help text:
$ python generate_data.py --help
Usage: generate_data.py [OPTIONS]
Program that generates a set of training and test samples for a non-linear
classification task.
--num-samples INTEGER Number of samples for each class. [required]
--training-data TEXT Training data is written to this file. [required]
--test-data TEXT Test data is written to this file. [required]
--help Show this message and exit.
We first generate the training and test data:
$ python generate_data.py --num-samples 50 --training-data train.csv --test-data test.csv
Generated 50 training samples (train.csv) and test samples (test.csv).
In a second step we generate predictions for the test data:
$ python generate_predictions.py --num-neighbors 7 --training-data train.csv --test-data test.csv --predictions predictions.csv
Predictions saved to predictions.csv
Finally, we can plot the results:
$ python plot_results.py --training-data train.csv --predictions predictions.csv --output-chart chart.svg
Accuracy: 0.94
Saved chart to chart.svg
Discussion and goals
Together we look at the generated files (train.csv, test.csv, predictions.csv, chart.svg).
We browse and discuss the example code behind these scripts.
Learning goals
What are the most important steps to make this code reusable by others and our future selves?
Be able to apply these techniques to your own code/script.
We will not focus on …
… how the code works internally in detail.
… whether this is the most efficient algorithm.
… whether the code is numerically stable.
… how to code scales with system size.
… whether it is portable to other operating systems (we will discuss this later).