Automated testing


  • Know where to start in your own project.

  • Know what possibilities and techniques are available in the Python world.

  • Have an example for how to make the testing part of code review.

Instructor note

  • (15 min) Motivation

  • (15 min) End-to-end tests

  • (15 min) Pytest

  • (15 min) Adding the unit test to GitHub Actions

  • (10 min) What else is possible

  • (20 min) Exercise


Testing is a way to check that the code does what it is expected to.

  • Less scary to change code: tests will tell you whether something broke.

  • Easier for new people to join.

  • Easier for somebody to revive an old code.

  • End-to-end test: run the whole code and compare result to a reference.

  • Unit tests: test one unit (function or module). Can guide towards better structured code: complicated code is more difficult to test.

How testing is often taught

def add(a, b):
    return a + b

def test_add():
    assert add(1, 2) == 3

How this feels:

Instruction on how to draw an owl

[Citation needed]

Instead, we will look at and discuss a real example where we test components from our example project.

Where to start

Do I even need testing?:

  • A simple script or notebook probably does not need an automated test.

If you have nothing yet:

  • Start with an end-to-end test.

  • Describe in words how you check whether the code still works.

  • Translate the words into a script (any language).

  • Run the script automatically on every code change (GitHub Actions or GitLab CI).

If you want to start with unit-testing:

  • You want to rewrite a function? Start adding a unit test right there first.

  • You spend few days chasing a bug? Once you fix it, add a test to make sure it does not come back.

End-to-end tests


Here is a simple example of a test:

def fahrenheit_to_celsius(temp_f):
    """Converts temperature in Fahrenheit
    to Celsius.
    temp_c = (temp_f - 32.0) * (5.0/9.0)
    return temp_c

# this is the test function
def test_fahrenheit_to_celsius():
    temp_c = fahrenheit_to_celsius(temp_f=100.0)
    expected_result = 37.777777
    # assert raises an error if the condition is not met
    assert abs(temp_c - expected_result) < 1.0e-6

To run the test(s):

$ pytest

Explanation: pytest will look for functions starting with test_ in files and directories given as arguments. It will run them and report the results.

Good practice to add unit tests:

  • Add the test function and run it.

  • Break the function on purpose and run the test.

  • Does the test fail as expected?

Adding the unit test to GitHub Actions

Our next goal is that we want GitHub to run the unit test automatically on every change.

First we need to extend our environment.yml:

name: classification-task
  - conda-forge
  - python <= 3.12
  - click
  - numpy
  - pandas
  - scipy
  - altair
  - vl-convert-python
  - pytest

We also need to extend .github/workflows/test.yml (highlighted line):

name: Test

    branches: [ main ]
    branches: [ main ]

    runs-on: ubuntu-24.04

    - name: Checkout
      uses: actions/checkout@v4

    - uses: mamba-org/setup-micromamba@v1
        micromamba-version: '2.0.5-0' # any version from
        environment-file: environment.yml
        init-shell: bash
        cache-environment: true
        post-cleanup: 'all'
        generate-run-shell: false

    - name: Run tests
      run: |
      shell: bash -el {0}

In the above example, we assume that we added a test function to

If we have time, we can try to create a pull request which would break the code and see how the test fails.

What else is possible

  • Run the test set automatically on every code change:

  • The testing above used example-based testing.

  • Test coverage: how much of the code is traversed by tests?

  • Property-based testing: generates arbitrary data matching your specification and checks that your guarantee still holds in that case.

  • Snapshot-based testing: makes it easier to generate snapshots for regression tests.

  • Mutation testing: tests pass -> change a line of code (make a mutant) -> test again and check whether all mutants get “killed”.



Experiment with the example project and what we learned above or try it on the example project or on your own project:

  • Add a unit test. If you are unsure where to start, you can try to move the majority vote into a separate function and write a test function for it.

  • Try to run pytest locally.

  • Check whether it fails when you break the corresponding function.

  • Try to run it on GitHub Actions.

  • Create a pull request which would break the code and see whether the automatic test would catch it.

  • Try to design an end-to-end test for your project. Already the thought process can be very helpful.