
See also

In Sphinx/Docutils, directives have a different meaning. Directives in sphinx-lesson are actually the special case of the generic directive class called admonitions.

Directives are used to set off a certain block of text. They can be used as an aside or block (e.g. exercise, instructor-note). If the content of the box would be long (e.g. an entire episode is a type-along, or an entire section is an exercise), you could use the type-along directive to introduce the start of it but not put all content in that directive.

Sphinx and docutils calls these type of directives admonitions (and “directive” is a more general concept)

How to use

Example of exercise:


Some body text

Custom title

Some body text




Some body text
```{exercise} Custom title

Some body text


.. exercise::

   Some body text
.. exercise:: Custom title

   Some body text
.. exercise::

You notice these directives can have optional a custom title. This is an addition from regular Sphinx admonitions, and is not usable in regular Sphinx admonition directives. Also, unlike regular Sphinx admonitions, the content in our directives is optional, if you want to use it as a simple section header.

The solution directive begins collapsed (via sphinx-togglebutton):

Directives are implemented in the Python package sphinx_lesson.directives and can be used independently of the rest of sphinx-lesson.


Many directives are available.

The following directives are used for exercises/solutions/homework. They all render as green (“important” class:

  • demo

  • exercise

  • solution (toggleable, default hidden)

  • type-along (most of the lessons are hands-on, so this is a bit redundant. Use this when emphasizing a certain section is “follow along”, as opposed to watching or working alone.)

  • homework

Other miscellaneous directives:

  • discussion

  • instructor-note

  • prerequisites

The following are Sphinx default directives that may be especially useful to lessons. These do not accept an optional Title argument, the title is hard-coded.

  • see-also

  • note

  • important (green)

  • warning (yellow)

  • danger (red

The following are available, for compatibility with Carpentries styles:

  • callout

  • challenge (alias to exercise)

  • checklist

  • keypoints (bottom of lesson)

  • objectives (top of lesson)

  • prereq (use prerequisites instead)

  • solution (begins collapsed)

  • testimonial

  • output (use code blocks instead)

  • questions (top of lesson)