The figure
directive inserts an image and also provides a caption
and other material.
The path is the relative or absolute path within the sphinx source directory.
You can give optional CSS classes,
gives it a black border. Remove this if you don’t want it - the examples below include it.

This is the caption.
In ReST, this is:
.. figure:: img/sample-image.png
:class: with-border
This is the caption.
In MyST Markdown, this is:
```{figure} img/sample-image.png
class: with-border
This is the figure caption.
When adding figures, optimize for narrow columns. First off, many
themes keep it in a small column but even if not, learners will
usually need to keep the text in a small column anyway, to share the
screen with their workspace. If you are 690
or less, then
sphinx_rtd_theme has no image scaling. 600
or less may be best.
If larger, then they may be scaled down (in some themes) or scroll
left (others).