Online CodeRefinery Workshop and Hackathon on Software Testing


  • If you will attend the Hackathon, you are expected to bring a code project to the event in which you want to implement testing functionality. It does not need to be a large complicated codebase, just something you use or intend to use in your research. If it's not your own code, make sure that it has a license which allows you to modify it.
  • You may need to install some software - see the Software Requirements section on below.
  • It is somewhat important that you have a basic idea of how Git works. Please go through this Git-refresher material for a basic overview and important configuration steps.

Software requirements

You are assumed to have everything installed that you need for running code in your preferred programming language, e.g. Python, Matlab or R interpreters, or compilers for C/C++, Fortran, Julia, Rust, Go etc.

You also need to have a testing framework available for your preferred language. Some languages need a package installation while others have a framework built into their standard libraries. A list of recommended tools and frameworks will be published here soon.

Other requirements:

Optional requirements depending on which language you will be using:

  • C++ users will need CMake and Catch2. Both can be installed through conda, which you should have set up by following the "Python and pytest" installation instructions above. In a terminal, run:
    conda install -c conda-forge cmake
    conda install -c conda-forge catch2

  • Fortran users will need to install pFUnit. pFUnit is supported on Linux and MacOS and is available on Windows through Cygwin. Install pFUnit by following the official instructions.

  • R users will need testthat. Follow the instructions on the official page.