Jupyter Notebooks


  • Know what it is

  • Create a new notebook and save it

  • Open existing notebooks from the web

  • Be able to create text/markdown cells, code cells, images, and equations

  • Know when to use a Jupyter Notebook for a Python project and when perhaps not to

Instructor note

  • 15 min discussion/demo

  • 15 min exercise

  • 5 min summary

[this lesson is adapted from https://coderefinery.github.io/jupyter/motivation/]

Motivation for Jupyter Notebooks

Galileo's drawings of Jupiter and its Medicean Stars from Sidereus Nuncius

One of the first notebooks: Galileo’s drawings of Jupiter and its Medicean Stars from Sidereus Nuncius. Image courtesy of the History of Science Collections, University of Oklahoma Libraries (CC-BY).

Our first notebook

Exercise Jupyter-1: Create a notebook (15 min)

  • Open a new notebook (on Windows: open Anaconda Navigator, then launch JupyterLab; on macOS/Linux: you can open JupyterLab from the terminal by typing jupyter-lab)

  • Rename the notebook

  • Create a markdown cell with a section title, a short text, an image, and an equation

    # Title of my notebook
    Some text.
    ![Photo of Galilei's manuscript](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b3/Galileo_Galilei_%281564_-_1642%29_-_Serenissimo_Principe_-_manuscript_with_observations_of_Jupiter_and_four_of_its_moons%2C_1610.png)
    $E = mc^2$
  • Most important shortcut: Shift + Enter, to run current cell and create a new one below.

  • Create a code cell where you define the arithmetic_mean function:

    def arithmetic_mean(sequence):
        s = 0.0
        for element in sequence:
            s += element
        n = len(sequence)
        return s / n
  • In a different cell, call the function:

    arithmetic_mean([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
  • Run all cells.

  • Save the notebook.

Use cases for notebooks

  • Really good for linear workflows (e.g. read data, filter data, do some statistics, plot the results)

  • Experimenting with new ideas, testing new libraries/databases

  • As an interactive development environment for code, data analysis, and visualization

  • Keeping track of interactive sessions, like a digital lab notebook

  • Supplementary information with published articles

Good practices

Run all cells before sharing/saving to verify that the results you see on your computer were not due to cells being run out of order.