Aliases and configuration


  • Learn to use aliases for most common commands.

Are you getting tired of typing so much? In Git you can define aliases (shortcuts):

  • These are great because they can save you time typing.

  • But it’s easy to forget them, get confused, or be inconsistent with your colleagues.

There is plenty of other configuration for Git, that can make it nicer.


  • Aliases offer a way to improve the usability of Git: for example git ci instead of git commit.

  • Aliases are based on simple string replacement in the command.

  • Aliases can either be specific to a repository or global.

    • Global aliases help you do the things you are used to across Git projects.

    • Per-project aliases can also be created.

  • Global aliases are stored in ~/.gitconfig.

Example alias: git graph

A very useful shortcut which we use a lot in our workshops:

$ git config --global alias.graph "log --all --graph --decorate --oneline"
$ cd your_git_repository
$ git graph

Using external commands

It is possible to call external commands using the exclamation mark character “!”. In this example here we create a local alias which is stored in .git/config and not synchronized with remotes:

$ cd your_git_repository
$ git config alias.hi '!echo hello'
$ git hi

Food for thought: When to alias?

  • How many times should you wait before aliasing a command?

  • Do you believe a list of generic two-letter acronyms for common commands will save your time?

List of aliases the instructors use

You are welcome to reuse, suggest, improve. You can see your current aliases in ~/.gitconfig.

$ git config --global alias.ap "add --patch"
$ git config --global branch
$ git config --global "commit -v"
$ git config --global alias.cip "commit --patch -v"
$ git config --global "clone --recursive"
$ git config --global alias.di diff
$ git config --global alias.dic "diff --staged --color-words"
$ git config --global alias.diw "diff --color-words"
$ git config --global alias.dis "!git --no-pager diff --stat"
$ git config --global alias.fe fetch
$ git config --global alias.graph "log --all --graph --decorate --oneline"
$ git config --global alias.rem remote
$ git config --global status
$ git config --global "submodule update --init --recursive"

Here is what they do:

  • ap: add, selecting parts individually, interactively.

  • br: branch (obvious)

  • ci: commit (check in), with -v option for clarity

  • cip: commit, selecting parts individually, interactively.

  • cl: clone, init submodules (submodules are an advanced topic)

  • di: diff (obvious)

  • dic: diff of staging area vs last commit (what is about to be committed)

  • diw: a word diff, color. Useful for small changes.

  • dis: a “diffstat”: what files are changed, not contents

  • fe: fetch (obvious)

  • graph: show whole git graph (so useful, some of us call it l)

  • rem: remote (obvious)

  • st: status (obvious)

  • su: submodule update (advanced)

A useful setting for the p aliases:

$ git config --global interactive.singlekey true

Advanced aliases

These are advanced aliases and configuration options. We won’t explain them, but if you are bored, have some time, or want to go deeper, try to figure out what they do. You might want to check the Git manual pages!

$ git config --global alias.cif "commit -v -p --fixup"
$ git config --global alias.rb "rebase --autosquash"
$ git config --global alias.rbi "rebase --interactive --autosquash"
$ git config --global alias.rbis "rebase --interactive --autosquash --autostash"
$ git config --global alias.rbs "rebase --autosquash --autostash"
$ git config --global alias.rec "!git --no-pager log --oneline --graph --decorate @{upstream}^^^..HEAD"
$ git config --global "ls-files -o -i --exclude-standard"
$ git config --global "log HEAD..HEAD@{upstream}"
$ git config --global "log --stat HEAD..HEAD@{upstream}"
$ git config --global alias.newd "log --patch --color-words HEAD..HEAD@{upstream}"
$ git config --global alias.newdi "diff --color-words HEAD...HEAD@{upstream}"
$ git config --global alias.rec "!git --no-pager log --oneline --graph --decorate @{upstream}^^^..HEAD"
$ git config --global alias.reca "!git --no-pager log --oneline --graph --decorate -n10 --all"
$ git config --global alias.recd "log --decorate --patch @{upstream}^^^..HEAD"
$ git config --global alias.recs "!git --no-pager log --oneline --graph --decorate @{upstream}^^^..HEAD --stat"

Advanced Git configuration

Besides aliases, you can do plenty of other configuration of git. Here are some of the most common ones:

$ git config --global interactive.singlekey true
$ git config --global core.pager "less -RS"
$ git config --global core.excludesfile ~/.gitignore
$ git config --global merge.conflictstyle diff3
$ git config --global diff.wordRegex "[a-zA-Z0-9_]+|[^[:space:]]"
$ git config --global diff.mnemonicPrefix true

Do you get tired of typing and copying and pasting your remote names all the time, like You can create remote aliases like this:

$ git config --global gh:
$ git config --global ghu:

Then, when you add a remote ghu:recipe, it will automatically be translated to using a simple prefix matching.


  • If you are frustrated about remembering a command, you should create an alias.