Looking for helpers

This was part of a SNIC training newsletter. Saving it so that we can reuse in future:

Engage as a tutor on the CodeRefinery online workshop, Nov 17-19 and 24-26,

Engage in the successful CodeRefinery workshop program, by becoming a tutor for
the exercise sessions and discussion groups.  If you have been to a
CodeRefinery workshop, you will have experienced  a very hands-on approach to
training with frequent exercise sessions and group discussions.  In online
workshops these sessions take place in breakout rooms with 5-7 participants and
1-2 workshop tutors.  Tutors answer questions from the learners, guide them
through the exercises and try to keep time.  If needed, tutors can call on
experienced trainers in the background to help answer tricky questions.  The
tutors are an important part of the CodeRefinery teaching concept and all the
workshops to scale to many more people than the instructors could  otherwise

If you have previously attended a CodeRefinery workshop, and/or use some of the
tools and methods covered in a workshop (Git, software testing, modern
documentation platforms etc.), then please consider joining a CodeRefinery
workshop as a tutor! Being a tutor is fun, it expands your network and develops
your teaching and mentoring skills.  You always learn something new about a
subject by teaching it!

If you would like to help on the upcoming workshop in November, please sign up
as a tutor on https://coderefinery.github.io/2020-11-17-online/.  If you would
like to engage in later workshops, please register as a tutor on the notify-me
form (https://indico.neic.no/event/135/surveys/36).