Post-workshop survey

First email

Subject:  [CodeRefinery] 5-minute post-workshop survey

Dear CodeRefinery alumnus,

We hope that you enjoyed participating in a CodeRefinery workshop last semester and that it was 
beneficial for your work and research! We don’t keep an attendance list, so apologies to those 
of you who couldn't make it to the workshop...

Please help us to improve our course material and teaching methods by answering our very brief questionnaire at
about whether and how the CodeRefinery workshop affected how you develop code. 
All information you provide will be useful. Your participation is extremely valuable 
and will help us to develop the project further. The average time to fill the form is around 5 minutes.

Would you be interested in being a helper or instructor in future workshops? It's a great way to continue 
developing your skills and expanding your network! We're always interested in recruiting new helpers 
and instructors. If this sounds interesting to you, please get in touch by writing to or join our chat:

On behalf of the CodeRefinery team,

Reminder 1 week after first email

Dear all,

It's us, CodeRefinery, again. We just want to send this one reminder to kindly ask you to participate 
in our 5-minute workshop-followup survey. To participate, please go to:

Sorry for spamming (particularly to those of you who already participated), this is the last 
you'll hear from us regarding the survey!
